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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."     Colossians 4:6

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Deep in 2018, R.C. Mogo was born again, at which point she stopped drinking, cursing, and sinning. Okay, just the drinking part. And she still drinks a ton of espresso, which could be sinning, depending on how reverent you feel in that moment you take the first velvety hot sip in the morning.


R.C. Mogo is the pen name for Rebecca Claire Mogollón, who works as an e-learning developer for a California-based tech software company from the comfort of her home in Spring, Texas. She married her first love in 2011, and then birthed her next three loves in 2014, 2017, and 2020. 


She comes from a family of brilliant sales people and a librarian. Being the daughter of a real librarian has given her serious cred her whole life. Nothing sweetens the historical romance author deal more than, "My mom can expedite that interlibrary loan."


When her 2-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia in early 2020, the world stood still. Writing ground to a halt. Dreams desaturated. Fear threatened to sink its claws in. But, God.


He brought their whole family through the trial better off, with stronger faith and a deeper appreciation for every moment, every laugh, and every sparkle in his eyes. 


When he rang the bell in 2022, the sound that rang out was loud and clear: "The Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting!"

R.C. Mogo, author of Innocents of Marbella

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Example Topics & Questions

  • Can you give us a brief overview of the plot of your story?

  • Why did you choose to write in the 15th century?

  • Who is Gilles de Rais? Is he a major character in your story?

  • What does the title Innocents of Marbella refer to?

  • Are either Stephen or Zahra real historical figures?

  • Which other characters in your story are real historical figures? What were they known for?

  • How did you do your research for this time period?

  • What was your strategy to blend fantasy elements with a real historical setting?

  • What themes or messages do you hope your readers will take away from your book?

  • What challenges did you face while writing this novel, and how did you overcome them?

  • Are there any upcoming projects or sequels related to this novel that readers can look forward to?

Innocents of Marbella was a Genesis semi-finalist in the Historical Romance category.

Innocents of Marbella reached the semi-finalist level of the prestigious ACFW Genesis Contest for unpublished Christian fiction authors in the historical romance category.


Excerpt from Innocents of Marbella

Nantes, France, 1440

The City of Grieving Parents

When the church requested Zahra interpret the interrogation of a man who had murdered countless children, who was she to refuse? Though she feared being in the presence of a killer, her fear of the church’s wrath was even greater. Her fitted wool kirtle gown felt too tight as she stood before the polished doors of the Council Chamber, flanked by knights in full armor. Her work here today couldn’t save the ones he already took, but if he confessed, it would prevent him from doing it again.

A knight stood beside her, his armor jangling. “Mademoiselle, you should not fear. You will not need to speak to it.”

Zahra thought that a rather strange comment. “‘It,’ monsieur?”

The knight’s crooked orange mustache gave him a quizzical expression. “The demon inside him.”

She looked away, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes. Having been raised these last ten years by a brilliant Catalan scholar, Zahra never subscribed to beliefs she could not verify herself. Rumor was that after Joan of Arc’s execution, one of her top military leaders, Gilles de Rais, began kidnapping and sacrificing children to demons. He and his accomplices were arrested in his chateau, where the evidence of their crimes made seasoned constables retch their suppers.

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